נו, עד כמה הדברים באמת נשארים אותו הדבר?
תוויות: הרהורים
יש לא מעט שאיתו אפשר להסכים במאמר, אבל בדומה לכל כך הרבה מאמרים שמתפרסמים עם פתיחת כל שנת לימודים (לפחות מאז עידן האינטרנט) הוא פשטני מאד, חזק מאד באמירות שמצלצלות יפה, אך אין מאחוריהם הרבה. במאמר אנחנו מוצאים, למשל, את המשפטים הנפוצים והנדושים בעניין חוסר ההתאמה של החינוך לזמנים משתנים:Dentists, doctors and other professionals asleep for 100 years would awake ... to a world where they would not recognize their jobs, much less perform them. But in education, a teacher could walk into a classroom after a century and get busy.
Auto workers, engineers and film-makers asleep for 100 years would awake today to a world where they could not recognize their jobs - now done extensively by or through robots or computers - and yet in child care, a parent from a century ago could still walk right into a nursery today and change a diaper and feed a baby - - And soooo... therefore... human babies should be fed and cared for by computerized robots...
... things like electricity, school buses, indoor plumbing, and even textbooks would all have been considered new technology - if they were available at all. Teachers had to defend teaching impractical skills, like reading and writing, to a generation of children of illiterate parents. A contemporary teacher would be as flummoxed - and stymied - by the attitudes and expectations of Victorian society. Free public schooling was a brand new idea and innovations like subject-based teaching had just been introduced. Don't believe people who say schooling has never changed - it has changed more fundamentally than almost every other discipline.
לדעתי, ההוראה לא השתנתה הרבה. כתבתי על זה כאן.
נשלח ע"י:
אנונימי | 02 ספטמבר, 2007 11:55