נו, עוד פעם ... לשם מה?
בריטג, בוודאי כהמשך לאותה הצהרה של ויל ריצ'רדסון מלפני כמה שבועות שהוא ממעט לכתוב לבלוג שלו, הרהר אם קיומם של כלים כמו Twitter מבשרים שבעצם כבר אין צורך בבלוגים. המאמרון שלו במלואו היה משפט אחד, ועוד מילה: As participatory media tools evolve (Twitter, Ning, UStream), concerns about where blogs fit, if at all, weigh heavily on my mind. Thoughts?
שבוע אחרי החלק הראשון שבריטג פרסם, ראה אור החלק השני. (בהתחשב בעובדה שהמילים "חלק ראשון" הופיעו ממש בשם של אותו מאמרון, אני מוכן להאמין שהוא בהחלט התכוון כבר אז לפרסם גם חלק נוסף.) המאמרון החדש הזה היה הרבה יותר ארוך, ובחן בלוגים ממספר היבטים. בין היתר הוא כתב: My concern has everything to do with exploring whether the edublog community is holding up its end of the collaborative bargain to use blogs as a collaborative tool for the betterment of education.
When I invite educators to keep a blog, I certainly do not exhort them to change the world. Such a goal is arrogant. Rather, I hope that through their own blogging and personal transformation, they will increasingly become agents of transformation. The burgeoning changes, the transformation that results from unleashing the creative power of educators previously muzzled throughout the years could bring about a change greater than what well-meaning societal change advocates might imagine.
I hope it's pretty clear that there is no such thing as "one" edublogosphere. I used to think that perhaps there was - probably before I started blogging in 2005 - but there're too many of "us" and so it becomes more than impossible to keep track of it all.
One stance I'd urge folks to consider, if they haven't already, is that we can and should accept that there's plenty we're going to miss, lots of it quite good, but that we're doing no one a service by trying to read everything or make declarations about the "proper social norms" of the "edublogosphere."
The paradox of "the edublogosphere" is that sometimes, the best thing I can do to build community/group/network capacity is to serve me, myself and I and trust that such self-service will be of use to others.
he (בריטג) buys into the premise that blogging is primarily a conversational medium. If you believe this, you've made a fundamental misunderstanding of blogging. It is a publishing medium. If what you were looking for all along is conversation, you probably will move on to something that suits your needs better.